MAS 863: How to Make (Almost) Anything


Links navigating to a certain project page

-<Tutorial for Embedded Programming> Eagle common command lines
-<Tutorial for Embedded Programming> Upload Program to Attiny/Atmel Microcontroller
-<Tutorial for Embedded Programming> Run Python code to read out serial output from Mac OX Lion, Windows 7 and Ubuntu
-<Tutorial for Embedded Programming> Program your FabISP
- <Tutorial for Machining> How to print out circuit board using Modela through FabModule
- <General Tips of Circuit Fabrication> "Keep in mind when you design and print out your own circuit board"
-<Tutorial for Embedded Programming> "Analog Input"
-<Tutorial for Embedded Programming> "Baud Rate and Debugging Serial Communication"
-<Tutorial for Embedded Programming> "Fuses and Clocks"
-<Tutorial for Embedded Programming> "Read from Serial OR Write to Serial"

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